MEIT Engineers Critical to Acquisition Category 1 Army Program Success
In response to the U.S. Army’s Cruise Missile Defense System, Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2-Intercept (CMDS/IFPC Inc 2-I) customer’s need for Test and Evaluation (T&E) support, MEIT Engineers Dale Murray and Bob Learner provide critical value to the program.
Murray and Learner were tasked to develop the T&E Strategy, incorporate testing technical parameters into associated system technical documents (Systems Engineering Plan, System Performance Specification, and the Cost Analysis Requirements Document) and prepare the T&E Master Plan for upcoming major acquisition milestones.
The primary purpose of the IFPC Inc 2-I program is to provide 360 degree protection against Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and Cruise Missiles (CM) threats in Block 1, and include protection against Rocket, Artillery and Mortar (RAM) threats in Block 2.
In March 2012, three months into a six month period of performance, MEIT engineers Murray and Learner proved critical to the program’s success which led to securing an additional 15 months of funding for continued MEIT engineering support.