MEIT Top Leader Wins Top Award in STEM
MEI Technologies, Inc. (MEIT) is proud to announce its Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors, Edelmiro (Ed) Muñiz, has been selected for the highest award given by the Great Minds in STEM™ (GMiS) Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corporation (HENAAC) – the Engineer of the Year Award. Muñiz and other phenomenal role models in science, technology, engineering and math were recently honored at the 28th Annual HENAAC Conference, “Excellence Through Diversity,” in Anaheim, CA.
The Engineer Award is presented for overall leadership and technical or scientific achievement, modeling the kind of STEM excellence and executive leadership that significantly impacts an industry, a field of STEM, our community, and our nation. This special award category is presented only when a candidate’s achievement merits this special recognition.
Muñiz’ professional success followed after a high school counselor told him he should put off college and learn a trade instead, since he could not afford college. His mother told him otherwise – he was going to graduate from college.
Throughout his successful career leading MEIT, Muñiz has also committed to service and outreach, especially to those in the Hispanic community. Muñiz has established STEM programs in the Rio Grande Valley where he grew up, sponsored various outreach efforts and most recently, Muñiz has set up scholarship funds for engineering and technology students at his alma mater, Texas A&M University.
During Muñiz’ acceptance speech, he said, “To borrow from Apollo XIII flight director Gene Kranz’ book titled ‘Failure Is Not an Option,’ my mother believed ‘”no puedo” is not an option.’ I have learned from my mom to not let conventional wisdom limit your options. You will be surprised how many people have succeeded in doing what they are not supposed to be able to do. Do it because you believe you can.”
“It was an honor just to be nominated by Debra Johnson, NASA Johnson Space Center’s Director of Procurement,” said Ed Muniz. “To be selected as the winner, among a group of people I respect and relate to, makes this accomplishment very special.”
Muñiz accepted this award on behalf of his family, his mother and all the Hispanic mothers who believe that “No Puedo” is not an option.
Nearly twenty years prior to winning this top award, Muñiz received the GMiS HENAAC Entrepreneur of the Year award.
About Great Minds in STEM™
Great Minds in STEM™ (GMiS) is a 501(c)3 a non-profit organization dedicated to keeping America technologically strong by promoting Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) careers, especially in underserved communities. Established in 1989 and based in the Los Angeles area, the organization’s nation-wide programming focuses on STEM educational awareness from kindergarten through college, and on seeking-out and documenting the world-class contributions of Hispanic professionals in STEM to serve as role models for the next generation of American engineers and scientists.
For twenty-seven years, GMiS has recognized the achievements of America’s top engineers and scientists within the Hispanic community during the HENAAC Conference. These STEM leaders, innovators and champions represent the best and brightest minds our nation has to offer. They are symbols of Hispanic contributions at the highest levels of academia, government, military and corporate America. HENAAC award winners are proof that the Hispanic community is capable of stepping up to the leadership roles that the new demographics position demands. These outstanding individuals are evidence that we, as a nation, have what it takes to keep America as the world’s technology leader.